7 Tips for beautiful skin, face & body

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Tips for beautiful skin

Good, beautiful skin is one of the most important aspects of good skin care. Until the present day, the skin care with a beautiful cream has many competitive advertisements. This makes some skin care creams so expensive that many people can’t buy them. But today we have a way to take care of your skin to be beautiful and clear with a simple, natural way, without wasting much money in your pocket. But first, let’s look at the reasons that cause skin aging, aging, dullness, freckles and dark spots. So that we can find a way to prevent and correct it.

Skin care method

  1. Avoid causing the skin to dry out. There are many reasons for this, such as avoiding sun exposure and always using sunscreen (very important), using moisturizer that contains antioxidants. Such as vitamin A, vitamin E and glucosamine. Tathion This will help prevent some damage to the skin from the sun, refrain from smoking, drugs, alcohol, because there are harmful substances to destroy cells. Is free radicals that make it aging fast And it may be more prone to disease, not drinking more than 2 cups of tea or coffee per day because it will cause the cells to lose water. Cell function is waste, in the winter. If you need to take a warm shower, wash the soap quickly, as the longer you rub, the more moisture under your skin will be pull away. After showering, apply a rich lotion or cream and apply it more often. Or after washing your face is complete, apply a moisturizer to add moisture back immediately. The cleansing foam that you use should be selected to suit your skin type. Washed and does not make the face feel very tight, it can be used etc.
  2. Eat five food groups Foods with vitamins and minerals should eat fruits and vegetables. For the body to get fiber This will be a good effect on the digestive system. The nutrients obtain by eating healthy foods can help protect cell membranes from oxidative damage. Such as foods containing vitamin C, vitamin E and minerals if we eat them naturally. All 5 groups do not need to find a supplement to eat together.
  3. No fasting, nutritional deficient meals, and calorie restriction through fasting. It is not good for skin health. This will cause loose muscles and lack of firmness and stability. The skin lacks stability. And it is also the cause of other problems that arise with the skin. Such as lack of vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, zinc, the skin becomes dry. There is a red rash on the skin, etc.
  4. Should drink plenty of water each day, you should drink 6-8 glasses of water a day by drinking steadily throughout the day. Drinking water should be clean water. To help keep the skin moist Because water is the component of every cell that will work well. Makes the skin look moist and firm to some extent. In addition, water helps to eliminate waste products from sweat and kidneys. And water is also one of the most essential nutrients your body needs to compensate for after exercise and activity.
  5. Exercise regularly Exercise will cause sweating. And at the same time, it also helps to retain moisture in the skin by stimulating the sebaceous glands. Exercise helps to maintain skin health and maintain skin hydration, in addition to improving blood circulation. This will help make your skin look bright and radiant. But if you don’t have enough time, you can do other common activities, such as washing the car, gardening, etc.
  6. Get enough rest and sleep Because while you sleep. The body releases hormones to accelerate the repair of wear and tear in the body, including the skin (Growt hormone). Adequate sleep can also help reduce dark circles and prevent bags under the eyes.
  7. Skin care food Eating a healthy diet directly affects our body. If we choose to eat foods that are good for your body and your skin health will be good as well. Let’s see what foods are good for health and good for your skin. Anyone who likes any kind of food can find them to eat to enhance their beauty from the inside out.